Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ginger root makes the bubblies

What is it with the ginger.  I have several observations with respect to ginger.

1) It makes things extremely fizzy.  Especially when pieces are put into bottles.
2) Speeds things up, Has potential to consume sugar to make drink taste really dry with marginal improvement to ABV.

Porter Style Dark Keifer Brew #4 - Much better

Decided to go back to basics this time around.  Sticking with Molasses, just even less of it.

3 quarts water
3 grams hops
1/4 cup Molasses (Black Strap)
2 cups sugar
50 grams raisins

Boiled down to 2 quarts.

Then strained into the carboy and waited for it to be cool.

Added 2 quarts kiefer to the carboy.

Initial ABV = cant remember where i wrote it down >5%

Fermentation start 2/7/2016
Stopped 3/192016

Bottling I poured 12 ounces of fermented carboy into bottle, then added 2 ounces of fresh strained keifer plus 2 tsp sugar.


  • This was really good.
  • Added ginger to a couple bottles, really balanced the flavor.
  • Consider adding Amaretto 
  • Really could not taste  the raisins.