Needed something heavy for the cold months. Stumbled online to an article about "Porter Keifer". So i decided to give it a try with some added variations.
Porter Style #1
I have a friend at work who grows his own hops. Lots of articles talked about the benefit of hops in brewing. Talked about slowing down bacteria eating sugar, adding aromas and even taste. So i decided to try hops myself. I have always stayed away from hops, never really liked them, but I think it was more I never understood them.
4 grams hops
1/2 cup molasses
2 quarts water
1.5 cups sugar
1) Put all this in a pot and boiled for about 20 minutes. Then let it cool quickly
2) Added strained keifer, 1 quart
3) Measured potential sugar to 5%
Started fermentation on 12/10/2015 and stopped 12/29/2015.
4) Added tsp sugar to all bottles and filled.
Flavor profile was heavily molasses. Not bad, but not good. Definitely needs some iterations. The drink started out strong like a portere but finished like molasses. Needs another flavor profile to kick in just after the molasses picks up.
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